Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Nationalism is the phenomenon of the 19th-20th centuries. It is a feeling of harmony, playing a vital role in the maintenance of societies’ unity. Nowadays, nationalism is determined as a politically perceived collecticve action of a particular group or a nation, directed towards maintenance or attainaning of increasing territorial autonomy or sovereignty[1]. According to the idea of nationalism, ethnically and culturally determined nations are the “main units” in human’s social life, forming the basis for specific cultural and political demands of a particular nation. Nation is the only legitimate basis for the state and each nation is entiteld to be in possession of it’s own particular state[2].
Nationalism is a complex phenomenon. Its an ideological viewpoint, influencing each sphere of everyday life: politics, culture, economics, social conditions.
Nationalism is an ideological and social-political movement of a particular group, which can be defined as an actual or potential nation. Nationalism is directed towards political autonomy or sovereignty. Quiet often it is used as a synonym of the struggle for maintenance of cultural identity – an unique socio-cultural characteristics. Generally, under the icon of nationalism there is a people or a particular ethnic group, aspiring for unity or maintenance and defence of their identity. An expression of nationalistic sentiment from the side of a particular people or an ethnic group can be motivated by the belief in gaining the status of nation.
[1]Goodwin B. Using Political Ideas. Oxford University Press, 1997.
[2]Wikipedia http://www.wikipedia.org/

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